Eight Quick Tips For Creating Really Great Checklists

A checklist on a clipboard sits on a desk surrounded by a pen, glasses, coffee and a plant

Do your checklists look something like this?

A checklist of duties for an estate housekeeper

If so, STOP!

For those of you who write checklists and require your staff to work from these lists, let’s look closely at improving that form of communication so that your lists get attention, get read and get completed to your satisfaction.

Here are eight quick tips to improve the readability of your checklists:

  1. Divide your tasks into categories such as: Kitchen, Bedroom or Garage.

  2. Start each task with a memorable action item or title like: Vacuum, Dust, Communicate, Computer, Errands, etc.

  3. Add a deadline or note priority of the task: Before noon, By the end of the day / month / year, ASAP! or when you have time.

  4. Use bold text to emphasize something that usually gets missed, like: Remove fingerprints from computer screens.

  5. Add some blank lines at the bottom of the page for notes such as: low inventory items that need to be ordered, equipment that needs to be repaired or anything your staff sees on the property that needs attention so it can be added to your next checklist.

  6. Get feedback from your staff and edit your checklists often. Details matter here, especially when you have a new employee or if you’re tracking progress on a project.

  7. Scan or file these completed lists in your project management system, file cabinet or house binder to track progress.

  8. THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP: Confirm that the tasks were completed! Do a walk-through to confirm that each detail was understood and completed to your satisfaction (or ask for pictures of the completed work). (Did the completion of that task initiate another checklist item?)

The results…

An organized checklist for housekeeping in a luxury home

Do you have our FREE Cheat Sheets?
Master List of Lists for Managing a Mansion
Contractor’s Memorandum of Understanding?

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I hope this is helpful information. If there’s a way I can help you improve your performance and service, please reach out. I’d love to hear from you.

You’ve got this!



PS: You can find my YouTube channel here.

Kelly Fore Dixon

Founder, Estate Management Systems | How to Manage a Mansion™ | The Dear Billionaire Podcast | Private Service Support Team | Blogger | World Traveler


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